Mike Behe was gracious enough to respond to my web site. For the record, I think he's a very nice guy. He certainly didn't have to reply to me, I'm not even a scientist after all.

After a few e-mail exchanges I got him to understand the point of my site. At first, he shrugged it off, saying it was funny, but it didn't prove anything.

He took it too literally and was relating it to actual molecular structures. I explained to him that that was not the point. REAL "Victor" mousetraps do not exist in the biological world!

My example is a fictitious one to demonstrate how a seemingly irreducibly complex system could evolve using all the rules that govern the process of natural selection. I am not trying to prove that mousetraps could have evolved. I am trying to discredit an idea of an impossibility.

Finally he admitted that the natural selection part of my example works. He also admitted (sort of) that irreducible complexity was scientifically inconclusive.

That is the intention of this web site.


Behe's 1st e-mail response to my website>>